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Shahapur Taluka Education Society’s  P. S. Deshmukh Memorial Academy affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
A Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation is implemented for the students in our school from Std. L.KG to Std X to remove stress in learning & provide opportunities to the children to participate in various activities and helps them to earn better credits.
​The School follows CBSE curriculum which focuses on innovative teaching & learning process exposing students not only to the theoretical aspects of learning, but also provides tremendous exposure to individual skills development.
Overview  of Our Curriculum
The school imparts education to the students of class L.KG to class X.
  1. Pre-Primary – Class L.KG – U.KG

  2. Primary level – Class I to V

  3. Middle School level – Class VI to VIII

  4. ​Secondary level – Class IX & X

Teaching Methods & Experiential Learning

Pre School

The P S Deshmukh Memorial Academy curriculum is based on age-specific learning outcomes. Teachers attempt to understand the social & cultural contexts to which children belong which helps to know their emotional, cognitive and social needs. The approach of L.KG & U.KG is reflected by the daily activities which set a framework for overall development needs of this age group.

Middle School (VI – VIII)

The knowledge & skills gained during the middle school years equip the students with firm academic foundation to pursue variety of educational options in future.

At the onset of secondary school we try to connect students natural strengths and channel them through languages I subjects of their choice.

The humanities, fine arts, performing art and a host of co-curricular activities including sports prepare the child for a wholesome & liberal attitude of life & relationship.











Primary School (I – V)

The Primary curriculum builds curiosity & passion for learning in children as per age appropriate groups. At Primary level we integrate the curriculum with NCERT (National Council of Education, Research & Training). The school believers in stimulating & motivating the students to learn & strengthen their understanding of concept.

​In classes I to V the focus is one encouraging inquiry, exploration & inculcating confidence in key learning skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem solving and observation. Children learn & develop through a number of informal methods like activities, projects presentation & hands on experiences.

Secondary level (IX &X)

The secondary years comprises Grades 9 & 10. The school has affiliation from the CBSE.

Secondary curriculum provides students a broad and balanced understanding of subjects including languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Science to enable students to communicate effectively, analyze information, make informed decisions, construct their worldview in alignment with constitutional values and move ahead in the direction of becoming productive citizens. The recent focus of CBSE is on the development of 21st-century skills in setting where each student feels independent, safe, and comfortable with their learning. The Board hopes that school will try to align curriculum in a way so that children feel more connected to it and employ their learning in real-life contexts. To achieve this aim, it is extremely important that children acquire adequate knowledge and skill in other core areas like health and physical Education, life skill, Values Education, Art Education, Work Education.

​The Curriculum is followed by the school and initiative to develop the students as CBSE norms is prioritized.


Designed & Developed by Pradip Thakare

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