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Shahapur Taluka Education Society’s  P. S. Deshmukh Memorial Academy maintains a policy of Code of Conduct for parents & students to preserve its dignity and articulate the values, the school wishes to foster in them.

Code of Conduct for Parents

  • Parents must co-operate with the school enforcing regularity and in observing all rules maintain the tone and discipline of the school

  • Either of the parents must be compulsorily present on an Open days to check their ward’s progress

  • Students should be in the school only 10 minutes before the bell.  Late comers will be admitted only after obtaining permission from the Principal or the teacher incharge.

  • Parents must look into their children’s workbooks, notebooks every day & see that the lesson and homework assigned for the next day is duly completed.

  • Parents must be in touch with the child’s progress ask for his/her progress and monthly reports.

  • Parents must not seek interviews with their wards or the class teacher during working hours except on an emergency.

  • As the medium of instruction is English, parents are urged to encourage their children to speak in English and help them by certain amount of regular English conversation at home.

  • Securing admission by means of false representation will result in the rejection of admission.

  • Sanctioning of any half day leave or allowed to leave a little earlier from the school on an emergency will be granted only by Principal on request by parents in person.

  • Be prompt in clearing the dues of their wards within the stipulated time.

Code of Conduct for Students

  • Be regular in attendance and work.

  • Be decent in conversation, Communication and behaviour.

  • All school work must be done in neat and legible handwriting.

  • All students are expected to attend the school functions on National holidays without fail.

  • Habitual late comers will not be allowed to enter the class room after school prayers without the permission of the Principal.

  • No student shall absent himself from classes without sanctioned leave.

  • Strict discipline should be observed in the examination halls. A student who engages himself in any form of malpractice is liable to be expelled from the school, by the Principal.

  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, dishonesty, theft, immoral conduct, insubordination, habitual neglect of home works, disobedience, unruly behavior or immoral influence shall justify dismissal.

  • Courtesy and respect are the key aspects of the pupil behavior. Disrespect and disobedience may result in disciplinary action involving suspension or even expulsion.

  • Punctuality is essential and pupils must report to school on time. Once they come to school they are not permitted to go out of the campus.

  • Bullying IN ANY FORM will not be tolerated.

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